........Basic Pole --- Given by hobbyist when you first learn the hobby
........Yew Pole --- +1 fishing level (player-crafted, recipe at Novice Woodworker)
........Well-made Yew Pole --- +3 fishing level (player-crafted, recipe at Novice Woodworker)
........Lebethron Pole --- +4 fishing level (player-crafted, recipe at Expert Woodworker)
........Well-made Lebethron Pole --- +5 fishing level (player-crafted, recipe at Expert Woodworker)
........Fishing Vest --- Outfitters
........Fisherman's Shirt & Waders--- Quest Reward in Forochel (see quest info below) So far, gear is all cosmetic. No clothing known yet that adds any fishing buff.
**** Note on poles: Through Level 111, evidence suggests that better poles offer no boost to fishing level or quality. Still testing. See Catch Test section. ****
....(H) HOBBY MASTER: Michel Delving, Bird & Baby Inn --- Estmar Bolger, starts you fishing with quest to find Misty Bolger in Bywater
....(H) HOBBY MASTER: Rivendell, Last Homely House --- Haldor, starts you fishing with quest to find ???
....(H) HOBBY MASTER: Bree, Scholars' Stair Archives --- Henry Oakeshott, starts you fishing with quest to find Joy Bloomer in Staddle
....(H) HOBBY MASTER: Thorin's Hall, near Bard --- Refkell, starts you fishing with quest to find Nokki S. of Noglond
....(F) Bywater, N of town near small footbridge --- Misty Bolger, Fishing Supplier, bait vendor
....(F) Staddle, by Little Staddlemere --- Joy Bloomer, Fishing Supplier, bait vendor
....(F) Ered Luin, South of Noglond --- Nokki, Fishing Supplier, bait vendor
....(F) Forochel, Suryi-Kyla --- Rusu; Reputation Vendor sells Flounder recipes (see recipes below)
....(Q) Forochel, camp up hill near road to Ja-Rannit --- "Fisherman's Friend"; Level 48; reward: "Fisherman's Shirt & Waders"
....(Q) Forochel, Suryi-Kyla --- Nora, "Empty Larder"; Level 47; Must catch 10 "oily fish"; reward: 23s 80c, 500 Rep
....(Q) Forochel, Hylje-Leiri --- Taipo, "Bounty of the Sea"; Lvl 46 (repeatable); Catch 12 Icebay Salmon "where sea bubbles/boils"; reward: 37s 52c, 500 Rep
....Level 10 --- Title: Apprentice Angler
....Level 50 --- Title: Journeyman Angler
....Level 100 --- Title: Expert Angler
....Fried Dace w/Mushrooms --- Cooking, Apprentice (+2 Will, +6 if critted), from Novice Cook
....Catfish Cakes --- Cooking, Journeyman (+6 Will, +14 if critted), from Novice Cook
....Perch Fillet --- Cooking, Expert (+12 Will, +23 if critted), from Expert Cook
....Golden Mullet Chowder --- Cooking, Artisan (+18 Will, +32 if critted), from Expert Cook
....Bass with Carrots & Onions --- Cooking, Master (+24 Will, +41 if critted), from Expert Cook
....Flounder w/Bacon --- Cooking, Artisan (146 Morale & 110 Power every 30 sec/300 sec), from Forochel Rep Supplier Rusu--Friend Standing
....Baked Flounder --- Cooking, Artisan (146 Morale every 30 sec for 300 sec), from Forochel Rep Supplier Rusu--Ally Standing
....Flounder Fillet --- Cooking, Artisan (110 Power every 30 sec for 300 sec), from Forochel Rep Supplier Rusu--Kindred Standing
....Ettenmoors (K) --- Nothing to fish except weeds
....Uru, IB in Barrow-Downs (P) --- Reports of some areas fishable and some areas not; need more details from folks
....Carn Dum (K)--- Even though the waters instantly kill players, you can still get a range of fish from them (bug)
....Thorin's Hall Rep Area (P) --- NPC describes "legendary" fish where he's fishing, no more info
....Forochel, Western side near wrecked ship (K) --- "Where water bubbles & boils" can catch Icebay Salmon for Forochel Rep (see Quests above)
....Icebay Salmon, Forochel (K) --- Quest item (see Quests above)
....15-lb Salmon Info Typo (K) --- If you have more than one 15-lb salmon in your inventory, it suddenly becomes "12-lb salmon" in the text
....20-lb Salmon Info Typo (K) --- If you have more than one 20-lb salmon in your inventory, it suddenly becomes "16-lb salmon" in the text
....3-Spined Stickleback Info Typo (K) --- Text description misspells "dorsal" as "dorasal"
....Carn Dum Fishing (K) --- Even though the waters in Carn Dum are insta-death to players, they can still be fished for a nice range of healthy catches!
....Fishing Buffs from Bait (S) --- Bait does not seem to contribute in any appreciable, consistent way to fishing ability
....Fishing Buffs from Poles (S) --- Higher-end poles seemingly not actually adding full (or any?) amount to fishing level
....Forochel Rep Supplier Recipes (S) --- Forochel Rep Supplier sells better recipes at lower reputation level, worse recipes at higher
....Hobby Level Indicator (K) --- Sometimes doesn't turn from blue to yellow even if a player has capped for the day
....Hobby Text in Character Panel (S) --- Only describes the way a hobbit can spend a lazy but productive day, seems a dis on elves, humans, and dwarves
....Level Cap Reset (P) --- Supposed to reset at midnight Eastern; might be off by some hours on some computers
....Selling Trophies to Vendors (K) --- Vendors will not buy your trophy fish until they've been mounted, even though they have an assigned value
....Trophy Plaques Disappearing (K) --- Sometimes trophies placed in homes have their plaques disappear, leaving only the fish visible; hook issue?
In order to keep this page size down, all early tests have been removed to this post. The tests below are in chronological order, most recent at the top.
(12) Ongoing tests of +0 pole vs. +5 pole levelling alts from 1 to 11. Test updated 5/5. Details here.
I have begun to create alts with the sole purpose of levelling their fishing skill from 1 to 11, then destroying and recreating them. There will be an equal number of tests using a +0 pole and a +5 pole. Any and all anglers are welcome to post their results; I'll keep the tally together on the details page.
Conclusion: Still testing.
(11) Test by Rillas of +5 pole vs. +0 pole, 5/4. Falathlorn, Ered Luin. 100 catches, Level 111, no bait. Details here.
...With +5 pole: Junk - 17; Regular fish - 62; Trophy fish - 5; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 14
...With +0 pole: Junk - 18; Regular fish - 52; Trophy fish - 8; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 20
Conclusion: No evidence of better catches with +5 pole.
(10) Test by Aethelberht of red wiggler bait vs. no bait, Sat. 5/3. Eavespires (NW Evendim). 100 catches, Level 102, +0 pole. Details here.
...With no bait: Junk - 11; Regular fish - 66; Trophy fish - 7; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 15; Fishing time - 36:45
...Red wiggler: Junk - 13; Regular fish - 52; Trophy fish - 7; Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 26; Fishing time - 37:45
Conclusion: Using red wiggler, more than 1/4 of all fish were recipe fish. This is a big jump from no bait, and quite different from my test at level 82 (see below). Luck? Or design? Guess we know the answer: need more tests. Gah.
(9) Test by Rillas of location, Angmar vs. Ered Luin, Sat. 5/3. 100 catches, Level 101, +5 pole, no bait. Details here.
...Aughaire, Angmar: Junk - 18; Regular fish - 53; Trophy fish - 9; Rare/25c fish - 3; Recipe fish - 17
...Falathlorn, Ered Luin: Junk - 13; Regular fish - 63; Trophy fish - 8, Rare/25c fish - 2; Recipe fish - 14
Conclusion: From the safest place in LOTRO to one of the most dangerous, the general spread is consistent. Evidence now strongly suggests location doesn't matter except for catching specific variants of rare fish.
(8) Test by Aethelberht of red wiggler bait vs. no bait. Eavespires, NW Evendim, Thurs. 5/1, . 100 catches, Level 82, +0 pole, afternoon-evening.
...Red wiggler: Junk - 12; Regular fish - 59; Trophy fish - 12; Rare/25c fish - 0; Recipe fish - 17
...With no bait: Junk - 11; Regualr fish - 57; Trophy fish - 9; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 22
Conclusion: Again, no blowout difference from no bait to the supposed "best" bait. In fact, with no bait I caught more recipe fish, a rare fish, and 2 high-level 30lb salmon (only 1 30lb salmon with the red wiggler). This seems like another test that suggests bait ain't working.
(7) Test of MD racetrack pond, two testers with identical stats, Wed. 4/30. Both tests were 100 catches, Level 72, +5 pole, no bait, night-morning. Details:
...Pyroluna's test: Junk - 11; Regular fish - 60; Trophy fish - 6; Rare/25c fish - 3; Recipe fish - 20
...Aethelbert's test: Junk - 16; Regular fish - 58; Trophy fish - 12; Rare/25c fish - 1; Recipe fish - 13
Conclusion: Just a good indicator that -exactly- the same gear & conditions can still provide quite a range of results, though within some general guidelines. Nice cautionary tale to triple- and even quadruple-check a seemingly great spot/pole/bait before drawing conclusions. I've been guilty of not taking my own advice several times so far!