Нет матом я не ругался !!!! а причину бана написали такую Your account has been suspended due to the use of unsupported regional IPs or proxy IP addresses. If you feel this has been done in error or wish to appeal against the action, please send an email to the appropriate email address below:
Archlord.GMReport@codemasters.com for ArchLord
RFO.GMReport@codemasters.com for RF Online
DDO.GMReport@codemasters.com for Dungeons and Dragons Online
LOTRO.GMReport@codemasters.com for Lord of the Rings Online
The Codemasters Customer Support Team
что за бред играл больше месяца и теперь что не так вдруг стало. Почитал официальный форум так там забанены несколько человек из европы , с такими же проблемами
Добавлено (09.02.2008, 09:17)
Вот что пишут люди с официального форума.
Product: LOTRO
Creation Date: 31/01/08
Gametime remaining: 22 days until next payment due
Make Payment
Status: banned
Reason for Ban: COG Identified Asian/Proxy IP Used
Payment History:
No payment history found
************************************************** *********
Anyone can tell to me?or anyone know this? or any banned player like this problem have a information?Or any bla bla...
We pay this game for playing and we think this game a different then the others.But one day we banned.and we dont know anything about and anybody say our problem only write "Reason for Ban: COG Identified Asian/Proxy IP Used".is it enough? Or is it lotro style?
AND ANY authorized person dont help me!!!
Lotro is fnished i think and
Pls help me and the other banned players.If we dont make a response anytime you meet that like me and other banned players.
We are not use illegal program and cheat but we banned!...